Saturday, December 22, 2012

A Note for Mama

December 22 2012. It seems like every Indonesian is giving their mothers a present, or a kiss, or a hug, or maybe they just simply say thanks and that they love their mothers.

I'm not one of them. Not that I don't want to give her a kiss and a hug.

I do want to buy her a bouquet of flowers. I do want to cook for her. I do want to give her a kiss. I do want to hug her. I do want to say "thank you".
I do really want to say that I love her.

The thing is, I never do such things. I'm too shy to say those simple phrases, and I don't have the guts to give her a present directly. I have no idea why I'm too shy, even to my own mother.
I can only write it, yes, simply like this.

Hm, I will just write a note for Mama (in case you read this, Ma):
I'm sorry for being impolite sometimes. I'm sorry for taking much time to take a bath. I'm sorry for making you angry. I'm sorry for spending your money on less-important things. I'm sorry for all of my mistakes. 
Thanks for taking care of me for almost 17 years. Thanks for calling me just to ask "what are you doing?" and "how's school?". Thanks for cooking that delicious nasi goreng kencur for me. Thanks for letting me go out with my friends. Thanks for buying me cute clothes and cardigans. Thanks for letting me buy those great novels. Thanks for supporting me (especially the last uneasy 3 years) all of the times. Thanks for your prayers. Thanks for everything (this last sentence sounds a bit corny~)
I have always loved you :)

Saturday, July 7, 2012

After 11 Years.....

Kemaren, dari hari Minggu sampai Kamis pagi, gue dirawat di rumah sakit gara-gara demam berdarah plus typhus. Yaaaa gue sampe lupa kalo dirawat tuh se-nggak-enak itu, soalnya terakhir gue dirawat itu pas gue kelas 1 SD, dan itu juga gara-gara DB dan typhus, huffft -_-
Bosen, nggak bisa ngapa-ngapain. Sakit, tiap jam 6 pagi dan sore diambil darah terus. Capek, rasanya lemeeeesss banget pengen tiduran terus. Nggak enak, harus minum obat DAN minum angkak yang super nggak enak itu.
Huoh udah lah nggak mau lagi gue sakit, apalagi yang sampe dirawat gitu. Mulai sekarang, biasakan hidup sehat!
Walaupun udah keluar, gue masih nggak boleh kemana-mana. Padahal rencananya besok malem mau ke ulang tahun temen gue huhuuu :'( udah gitu gue juga masih harus minum temulawak, soalnya kata dokter liver gue kena. Hah doain aja deh biar cepet sembuh.

Nah, hari ini, sekitar jam 12an, gue lagi main laptop di kamar. Terus mama tuh kayak lagi terima tamu. Gue denger dan tau itu ada tamu, tapi yaudahlah gue kira tetangga atau siapa gitu. Eh taunya, berapa menit kemudian, dari belakang kayak ada hawa-hawa aneh gituuu. Terus gue tengok ke belakang dan.....bener aja ada 3 makhluk lagi cekikikan. Ini nih makhluk-makhluknya:

Gue nggak tau kalo mereka mau dateng, tiba-tiba nongol aja. Jadi, yah bisa dibilang gue kaget banget. Beneran kaget, bener deh. Udah gitu mama ketawa-ketawa gara-gara ternyata mama udah tau rencana itu huuuu. Katanya, sengaja nggak dibilangin soalnya direquest begitu. Huah yaudah deh.
Tapi, makasih banyak yaaaa kalian bertiga. Ternyata ada juga yang mau jenguk wakakakak :') soalnya rumah gue jauh siiih. Udah gitu dibawain roti bejibun plus teh kotak hahahahahaha makasih makasiiih. Sebenernya, teh kotak nya paling gue minum berapa minggu kemudian, karena gue belum boleh minum teh kotak huhuuuu *gali tanah*
Yah pokoknya maaci yaaa cemanceman. Loveyouguys {} :*

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Peeta! ...Nevermind.


Minggu lalu, hari Senin, tanggal 26 Maret 2012, gue dan teman-teman nonton The Hunger Games. Well, awalnya gue mikir kayaknya filmnya nggak bakal bikin gue sesuka sama bukunya. Tapi, ya emang lebih suka bukunya, cuma nggak se-disappointed itu. Bahkan, pas baca bukunya gue nggak nangis dan pas nonton malah nangis di 3 scenes. Tiga scenes. TIGA SCENES. Bayangkan!
Habisnya, Peeta itu terlalu...errr...HAAAA.
Apalagi, di Mockingjay, lebih sweet daripada itu. AAAAAA. Kalian harus baca bukunya. Harus! Mockingjay bener-bener mengharukan :'{

I'm in love with Peeta Mellark.

Oke lebay, tapi ya gitu gimana dong. Gawat, Aaaa gimana ini gimana. Kenapa Josh Hutcherson itu lucu banget dan Peeta sweet banget...........kenapa...................
Errr, Suzanne Collins and Gary Ross did it!

I'm lovin' it!

P.S: Gue nggak peduli apakah post ini agak menggelikan dan lebay atau nggak. Yang merasa terganggu, salah sendiri liat-liat blog gue -_-

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Switzy Things

Post pertama di 2012! Post kedua tentang Swiss, yang dipost di bulan ke tiga.

Yah, I am desperately in love with Switzerland. Karena ini 2 hari sebelum UTS dimulai, akhirnya gue berniat refreshing dengan nge-blog. Karena bingung, akhirnya gue iseng googling edelweiss, dan keinginan gue untuk ngepost tentang Swiss muncul lagi hahaha.

Swiss Alps! Argh Alpennya Swiss selalu bikin gue pengen kesana. Apalagi pas winter.


Tapi selain winter, tetep aja bagus

Edelweiss is over-cute!

Dan beberapa bunga lainnya

Lavender field

Gue emang nggak terlalu suka coklat, tapi gue selalu pengen makan coklat Swiss langsung di Swiss. Lagian, dari semua coklat yang pernah gue makan, coklat Swiss itu yang paling enak.

ITS TOURISM PLACES! Mulai dari Bern, Geneva (its lake and the Chateau de Chillon, of course), terus Zurich, dan lain-lain.
The Giessbach Falls is one of the most endearing waterfalls in Switzerland. The huge masses of water plunging down over 14 levels of rock into the lake of Brienz is a spectacular natural scene
Giessbach Falls
The Kapellbrucke a.k.a Chapel Bridge in Lucerne at late dusk. It is one of the most photographed spot in Switzerland.
Chapel Bridge in Lucerne, at night
Oberhofen Castle, Lake Thun, Switzerland
Oberhofen Castle
Rhone Glacier
Inside the Rhone Glacier
Mesmerizing nightview of Scuol in the district of Inn in the Swiss canton of Graubunden, Switzerland
Night view
Lake Geneva
Zurich's winter 
EXTREME SPORTS! Hah gue aja nggak tau berani apa nggak, tapi ini pasti seru banget.
Skiing. Nggak terlalu menyeramkan sepertinya, tapi sih tetep aja.
Dan... skydiving!
Errr I'm not sure if I would try this
Pffft I will be there.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Suddenly This Pops Outta My Head

HEY!! Sepertinya udah lamaaaa banget gue nggak nge-post ya. Nah, tiba-tiba gue kepikiran mau nge-post foto ini:

Ini waktu di pantai Akkarena, Makassar, waktu FLS2N 2011. Sudah cukup lama ya -_-
Tapi nggak tau kenapa tiba-tiba aja pengen nge-post foto ini. Habisnya gue suka fotonya, hehe.
Dari kiri, gue, Arifa, Sita, Mingming.
Itu tulisan di pasirnya "[X]DR", kependekan dari Xdreition. Memang kurang jelas sih, tapi yasudahlah, yang penting gue suka foto ini :)

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Another Shots

These photos were taken today, around my home's fish pond.

Whoa, kinda disgusting, isn't it? Hahaha, my father haven't cleaned the pond yet. Well, at least those Bryophytes can be an exotic object hahaha

This cat was about going to drink my pond's water, but when I came to take a shot, he looked scared. And click! I got this scared-face-of-a-not-so-scary-cat

My home's bell. Looked like an old bell. One of my favorite shots.

Friday, October 14, 2011

My Another Business

The midterm test is over! Yippie!
But another business is coming. I have to study at school all day, and the biology competition (hosted by Universitas Negeri Malang --UNM--) will be held on Sunday at MAN 4 Jakarta. To be honest, I haven't prepared myself -_-
In November, there will be Pesta Sains IPB, and UAS.
Wait... did I say............ UAS?? We just had a midterm test! I don't know, but my friends said that UAS will be held in November. Pfffff.

Then, Thamrin Olympiad and Cup II coming soon in January 2012. All of 11th grader are committees, and I'm in the documentation section. Yeay! I'm a little bit excited! As you know, I'm interesting to photography (though my skill is not too good). I wish I could make nice photographs :)
Still in January, there will be a selection for OSK, we call it OSS. Next year, the OSN is going to be held in Jakarta. Hmm, the place is not too interesting. I mean, I do live in Jakarta -_- But the IBO, is going to be held in Switzerland!
SWITZERLAND! SWITZERLAND! SWITZERLAND! SWITZERLAND! SWITZERLAND! SWITZERLAND! SWITZERLAND! SWITZERLAND! SWITZERLAND! SWITZERLAND! SWITZERLAND! How many times I've written it? Oh 11 times. AAAAAAAAAAAAA Switzerland. MY DREAM. But it seems impossible for me to join that competition. The thing is, I am too lazy. Pfffft, poor me.

Yep, I wish I wouldn't get sick with those upcoming businesses.
All I need now is holiday, a really loooooooongg holiday.